Friday, August 5, 2011

The Law-telier Philosophy

Welcome to the first post on my blog, Law-telier.  In future posts I will be featuring articles about the law and other stuff.  Not esoteric articles and not necessarily articles about how to practice (although, on that last point, I can't promise you there will never be a post about the practice or the life of a lawyer).  These will mostly be articles about how the law can help you, how it can be practical in your life.  The articles will cover estate planning matters like wills, trusts, powers of attorney, transfer-on-death deeds, avoiding probate (or maybe not avoiding it), the shameless and practically criminal things that some attorneys do to promote and sell clients unneeded revocable or lifetime trusts, health care directives or living wills, prenuptial or antenuptial agreements, co-habitation and joint tenancy agreements.

The articles will also discuss business and employment matters, like choosing the best form for your new business, the difference between a S corporation and a C corporation and an LLC (limited liability company), the dangers of partnerships, being a sole proprietor, self-employment tax, contracts and buying or selling real estate.

This blog will also talk about how attorneys charge for the work they do and how that can be done better and fairer.  I may also give you my views on the many legal products and forms that are available, for free or otherwise, on the internet.  These views may surprise you, so check in from time to time to see what's happening here.

Finally, why "Law-telier"?  L'Atelier (pronounced “la-TEL-yā”) is a French word that refers to a designer’s or artist’s studio or workshop.  So "Law-telier" will have articles about the services and solutions that I specifically design and craft to meet my client's unique legal needs.

I am not giving legal advice here, just information,.  So if you have any questions about anything you read here, you should consult with a lawyer who you know and trust.  Unlike many attorneys, I appreciate clients who do their research, who are well-informed and who ask questions.  I hope that you can find something here with which to challenge your own attorney or challenge me if you like. 

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